Can anyone explain to me why Bravenet Taffic exchange page always pops up when I visit certain blogs?
Anyways, I was on time with bringing food to work, however the guys that would be eating it were early of course. So there were a few in there when I was putting everything out on the table. I feel like a caterer.
Anyways, when I arrived the guy mentioned that this place delivers. In my head I just thought Yes thanks, I didnt know that, but they wouldnt be able to deliver it till 8:15, the meeting starts at 8, so would that have worked for you? No. But instead I just bit my tongue and was quiet and didnt say anything at all.
I made awesome stir fry yesterday with Tofu. It was awesome. Also bought a wok to cook it in. The wok was cool, but not what I expected. You have to 'season' it and then not wash it with soap ever again otherwise you will have to 'season' the thing AGAIN. Seasoning is is boiling and cooking water & oil way TO long. Sis 'seansoned' the wok and I just cooked the veggies. We thought the wok would cook the tofu better than the a normal pan but NOPE. A frying pan is way better for that. So now I have a wok but not entirely impressed on how it works. Also learned that onions need to be cooked before all the other veggies. Oh man for some reason stir fry will hit my belly like a ton of bricks. agh. Its the most uncomfortable feeling ever. But it's nice when you are hungry. It' also just so yummy you cant stop.
Anyways, I suppose my dinner is not the most exciting thing ever.
I think I will post later. Gotta go.
Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 1:02:00 PM PDT
Which blogs are they? gimme a list so I can check it out.
You might have spyware and adware. To fix this for free, you need two different programs.
Adaware and Spybot.
I have found that you need both because one finds stuff the other does not.
take care and Tally Ho!
Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 5:31:00 PM PDT
You need another software zone alarm which prevents unnecessary access from ur computer to the internet....since the adwares access internet without ur permission and knowledge.....
To get rid of pop-ups and unnecessary ads.....u can use Firefox.......
BTW about cooking ??? ....sorry....i can only make omlettes....without onions....
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