The About 'Me' Page

Hi, I'm Rachael, (pronounced Rachel, some get confused)

A little about me...

Born and raised here in Phoenix, AZ area.

I'm always going back to school.

My family is crazy.

I have been dating a guy names Blake or aka 'B' since 5/04. The B thing is just for quicker typing. I dont know. It's just what I do. I started by abbrevaiting people but then I didnt have enough letters so screw it, I just startedspelling out the full name.

I am not sure why I started this blog in the first place so long ago, but now I logged back in and maybe will continue after a few year haitus?
Probably bc I am a nerd and have nothing better to do.

Work: I work in accounting, bookkeeping, etc. Fun stuff - not!

At the moment my life is pretty boring and ill probably continue to write boring posts, but oh well! Dont read them then!

So seriously - my life consists of working, going to school, living with B, seeing my friends and family when i a free few minutes. So welcome to the read. It'll probably be boring.