It's Sat and I am on my lunch break

from work.

I took down the post bc I got annoyed with B and then I saw that and I just didnt want it to be the posted anymore.

Everything is fine w/ B though. We've been (except one thing) very good these past weeks. I just got off the phone w/ him. He's out having beers w/ the boys and I am going over there after I get off work. Makes me feel good that he doesnt change a whole lot when he is in front of the guys. He doesnt swear his love for me, but he seems happy that I called and its a warm fuzzy.

Last night I went out to Yasmins 80's party and had a blast. Also the night bf thanksgiving B, I & his buddy from Ill met up w/ Yaz and a bunch of cool peeps. Fun times. And no DUI for me bc I drank water like a good girl bf we left (being that its the biggest DUI night of the year here in AZ).

I am going to school to be a nurse and hope one day to graduate w/ my Masters to be a Nurse practioner = BIG BUCKS! But right now focused on getting my RN.

As far as world peace. Thats a tricky question bc I dont know all the stories of the countries that have conflict w/ other nations to make a final descion on that. I have a few ideas but you never never know. I think there is a lot that is not covered by the media. And I am sure that the conflicts that are there are so embedded and historic that it will be a huge process to unwond everything. I do wish that people would just be humane and coutreous though, that would be a start!

Well back to work guys and gals. Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving!

I have a new idea, ask me for advise or a question and I will respond.

I hope this is interesting and dont worry if I dont get right back to you bc I might be in class.

Look forward to what I get from this!

I'm a bad bad girl

And I am too scared to tell the world on my blog why that is....

So I guess we will just move away from that, but its been on my mind a bit.

So I have a lot of thoughts going through the ole noggin as usual. I will probably only scratch the surface in this here blog. As with everyone else I am still here trying to figure everything out. But then life is not meant to be figured out ya know?
It's always like... if I knew then, what I know now...
But you never know till you get through it.

Just got done reading Numb ~t's blog (she's linked if you want something to read besides this rubbish) and I read her post about her 'lovie' that is far away and her kinda letting that go. My heart went out to her and those times when you have a heavy chest and want to spring a tear bc what is gone is gone. We all have them. It's odd how we are so alike deep down in the root of things. It reminds me of things that are still tough for me to really think about. I have split personalities in that I can get really deep and philosophical and then I can just be cold and not give a shit. Or its in between.

I think it's good to get those things out to people that really care for you or whatever. But its always like even when you have a really uplifting conversation after you hang up the phone or go home those bad feelings come right back. Thats probably why I always curl up in a ball and dont go out when I am upset. But thats probably not the right way to do things. It's better to stay busy, but then you (or I) make time in the car or when no one is watching to stare off and dive into my own thoughts.

There is truly a thin line between love and hate.

And you usually find it easier to hate the people you love.

But anyways, school has been OK, work has been OK, family is good I guess, and friends are OK. I am thankful for the people I think that really do care for me. Wish I could shrink them and put them in my purse so that whenever I wanted I could bring them out to play :)

But anyways, no new exciting details to really go in to. As always everything seems so trivial and like nonsense to post about.

If Yasmin still reads these she really needs to update her BLOG! I always think to tell you but then I never think about it unless I am in front of the puter.

I most def need a vaca. I wish I wasnt a poor college student. Wish there was a fast forward button on life. Think I would fast foward maybe like 3 yrs. ahhh, ok I wish I had more to say.

Nighty nighty.
.....alone :(