Well here we are - Monday :(

The weekend was not much of a weekend as I had to work. But hey, at least it's somewhat amusing and it makes the time go by.

First topic:


It is quite amazing how people differ in this area.
I don't know if people realize that tips actually are suppose to make my car payment, pay my cell phone, insurance and etc.

Some people are just CHEAP asses. TIP FOR GOSH SAKES.

I have a few horror stories and it's frustrating.

This one weird hippy looking gal comes in alone. Doesn't want anything but a soda water and to watch the game. One table I know that I wont get anything for a tip and now all the other servers get another table bf I will again. Then eventually hippy wants to order some food. First subs her sides, then asks for an extra one. No prob, I make this happen for her. Then after she is munching she wants another extra side. No prob, but this one I had to charge her for bc my manager caught me ordering it. She decides she's done, she had racked up $25 worth of food/drinks. Give her the bill. She leaves. No tip. But she did leave a note saying that she couldn't believe that she was charged an extra $2 for sides and that was where my tip went. Nevermind that I was got everything right and provided good service. Nevermind I sub'd her side, even gave her an extra one. And that still was not good enough so that she asked for a 3rd one, and this one I had to charge her. 3 sub'd sides, charged once. Does anyone see this here?


Party of 5 come in. Big tables can be difficult bc the amount of food, and usually people alter their orders, keeping up on drinks, getting plates out of the way, and other table maintenance etc etc. Well they seemed really cool. I brought out a bottle of wine to show them that they didn't end up getting, rushed their drink orders in within a min so they would still get 'happy hour' specials, all food comes out beautifully, everyone is very nice and joking with me. Then dessert. The dreaded dessert that dumped my tip.

After all this, their big cookie w/ ice cream comes out hard. They eat almost all of it anyways and then complain. I tell management , no charge and we will make it again. The table seem OK with this. I had to even lie to my manager bc when he saw how much they ate he got mad. I told him the rest of the cookie dessert was on their plates still (even though they really just ate it). The asst. manager makes this one and didn't put extra ice cream on it like the cooks did with the first one. I tell him this and he says 'this is how it should be and its free' so basically too bad for them, 2 free cookies. Well on this almost $100 bill that these 5 people racked up, they made me split it up on 2 cards. The guy that was giving me the most 'tude about the cookies first being hard and then w/o as much ice cream tipped NOTHING! The other guy tipped $6. After all the bending backwards w/ the drinks, the food, the up keep and even the fucking $4 dessert that they got 2 of for free $6 fucking dollars? ARE YOU SERIOUS? I wanted to tell them to just fucking LEAVE and never ever come back. Fucking assholes. UNBELIEVABLE!

I had absolutely no control over these 2 situations and yet I get the shitty end of the stick?

I know when I am wrong. People were sat in a section that wasn't 'active' ie no one there to see them or serve. They sat there w/o help and finally after some complaints from them the host asks me I will take the table. I did, but these people are already upset and that just paves the way for a bumpy ride. Here was where I was wrong: as I was bending over to talk to them my long hair went into someone's ice tea. The hair and plus being already agitated I wasn't expecting much from these people bc they just weren't good sports about it. BUT what did I do? Gave them a fresh iced tea and then didn't charge them for any of them so all they had to pay for was the actual food. And somehow still got a 17% tip out of them.

I guess the moral of the story is don't take your grip w/ management out on the waitress. And also people can be SOOO CHEAP. Oh especially old people (not to make a generalization) from my experience so far. And they LOVE to yap. My time is money honey and the longer I am at your table, the longer someone else is waiting. So if you want to yap up, umm basically cough up. When I have time to talk, no prob, but keep in mind that there is probably something else I should be doing, but I am trying to provide 'excellent' service to you.

Well I was going to cover some other things, but now I am too tired. So maybe tomorrow!

Finally intrigued to write

It's been a bit.

I have had such an interesting night.

Life or something like it.

Tonight started off by going to a bar/lounge where a fellow blogger works and meeting her. She was cool & her bar was very interesting. I would like to go back on maybe on a less busier night or at least earlier to get a good seat. Yaz and I sat at the bar and had some shooters and cocktails. There was a a guy that was sitting next to me either really wasted or really weird. He kept on asking me what time it was, like in 1o-15 min increments. Then said that he had just came from Tuscon - randomly. Made no sense to me. Then he repeatedly apologized for bothering me. Finally after being annoyed with him I kinda waved him off, literally. A couple min later he leaned in and told me I 'would never know what it was like to lose someone' and then leaned into me and said it again, and then added I 'would never know what it would be like to lose someone till I lost a brother'. I got up and left. He was tall, thin, and had bushy/wavy long dark brown hair. Kinda of hippish. Very weird. But the bar was really cool. Love to go back and not get stuck w/ a random drunk.

So Yaz and I left. We then went to a bar in another city called Casey Moores where we met photographers and camera men from a local news channel here in Az. Thats was fairly interesting. They have a lot of information thats not highly known or reported by the news. And then they got wasted and one started going on and on about his life, about how he was going to be 30 soon and all he had concentrated on in life was his career and now he is missing parts of his life. I would try and converse back with him but he was too far gone into himself and what he was doing. I would say something to further the conversation and he would sort of nod and then go back into la la land. It was as if he didnt even hear me.

Typical drunk men so far. I am not sure what is worse, dumb drunk girls or dumb drunk men wallowing about the road of life, what was, and what they lack.

Yaz and I also met a Katrina victem that moved to Az. He left New Olreans, went to another suburb outside of there, then went to Atlanta to see his parents and then came to Az. He is currently living with a family he doesnt know and all he kept saying was that he felt homeless. Had nothing of his belonging bc they were all pretty much scattered w/ fam and friends across the US. He is a boy that has nothing and yet everything w/ a promising future. He has really done well for himself education wise. He is a lawyer with a lot of potential to do well for himself if he can get back on feet and get a job here.

I can't really imagine what it is like for him right now. To have a home that was ruined, friends and fam scattered and not a pot of his own to piss in. Very sad, however I do believe that he will do well for himself and go far if he has the will power to do so.


About me.

Tonight was interesting bc I saw so many different types of life. Life is so very much interesting.

I think I am having to finish this post later bc I am tired and well cnat write anymore.

But I will say I am not a good heart breaker. And its always so typical that the person that loves me in that special way i dont love back like that, and the person that i love in that special way probably loves me too, but is & 'its' too complicated to even really explain. I dont want anyone to have any expectations of me bc I have no idea what is going on with me. My life has really just done a 180 for the better. Everything has changed but a few things. New type of job, friends, lack of BF and most important school. I am still trying to sort out myself and my life. It's too hard to really put any effort into things that werent there before all this happened. Even things that were there bf that were semi important I just cant deal with right now. I can only handle a few things at a time. I feel a lot of pressure from a lot of different angles and its weird bc i feel like i cant organize it all so that it is clear. I have thrown in the towel on a few things like friendships and otherwise. I am also just busy and not busy all at the same time. Timing is everything. Everything is complicated, confusing and something else that I cant seem to put into words.

I really didnt want to sleep alone tonight and here I am going to bed alone and I think somehow its for the better. Just dont know how. I guess I wouldnt have written this post if things had worked out differently.

Random and probably hard to understand, but that is the best I can do for now. Good night.

I love my new job

It's really so much fun. And I think I might make more money than I orginally thought. I am out of training and on my own on fri!

I've been kind of busy. It's a little bit harder to post and what not when I constantly am either going to school, doing homework or working. My life has all of a sudden been kinda busy.

To my blogger friends

My apologies for my lack of 'real' posts and comments on yours.

This blog was a place to record cool events, rant/rave, unload, and mostly talk about my feelings. However, I just havent had much to say lately. Don't have much going on in the ole' noggin. Actually there is a little but I don't want to really think about my 'feelings' and whats been going on bc a break up is hard and I don't want to go digging shit up. Maybe that's not a good way to approach it but right now that's what I have been doing. And since I have not really put forth an effort I havent really read everyones blog to comment. I'll visit and scan the entries, then leave.

This week has been kinda nice. I still hurt but I've known Blake is out of town and so there isnt much I can do. I know he can't call me, I can't call him and so it makes it kinda easier. I don't know how that makes sense. But when he went on vaca our little situation kind of went on vaca bc he's just not here. I think he gets back today. Yesterday I was kind of anxious about that. Today, I just woke up so how I feel hasn't really unfolded. I was pretty wound up yesterday though, so bad that I couldnt sleep. It took me forever to finally doze. I have no idea what he will do, if anything. I don't know what I should do if anything. I am kinda leaning towards not do anything.

The good thing is that I have been pretty much busy this week. After I start working on Saturday I'll be even more busy. So that is the good thing. I really want that peaceful thought back though, that he's not here. So I cant really obsess about it. Part of me thinks that this is it, and I won't hear much from him, but then the other part thinks that he won't let me go. So I'm nervous.

So that's about it.

Oh yesterday I went shopping yesterday and I bought a couple of pairs of jeans and I am in love with them. And I got this super hot shirt. I look awesome in it. Everything fits well and is complimentry. I'm not fat, not even chubby really, but I have some curves & the twins are of nice size, so plus that and being short finding clothes that I think I look good in are far and few between. So yay. I got an 'eat your heart out Blake' outfit.


I am now a server. I will be serving people just like yourself food at a very nice Sports Bar & Grill. I am very excited to get in the groove this new job. Getting to know the job will be the hardest part being that I never served before in my life. But I am eager to learn and make some GOOD cash. It's cool bc this place just opened and so the customer base isnt booming as of yet so I will learn my magic at less frantic state. As the restraunt builds customers I would had time to learn my server skills.

I am very happy! I start Saturday morning serving breakfast to fans of college football.


OK, so I think I am may have been a little overly prepared for class....

Since the holiday I kinda mixed up my start times for my classes.

I think I am late and rush to my math class. I think to myself I am only 3min late, no biggie.

Well I walk in and the teacher is standing there already going over material on the board.

I scan the room and my normal spot is open. But I notice that the class looks different. I look around for my math buddies and none of them are there, or any other people from my class. I look at the board and the stuff that the teacher is covering is nothing that I did over the weekend. I take a peek at my schedule that is in my back pack and OH gosh, my class started at 10:30, not at 10 like I thought! One of my classes tomorrow start at 10! I got the class times confused and walked into a different math class!

So now I am in the computer lab trying to kill some time before my class really starts! Which is in 8 minutes.

That has been my day so far. I am also going to try and find a job.

So there it is. My embarresing moment # 994,638,789.

Yesterday I went to the lake (fri) and had a blast. It was just 3 of us that went but it was so much fun! One of the guys has a speed boat. I was the only girl but thats OK. I'm cool like that. We tied up the tube and had the boat pulling us on it. It was so much fun! The driver went really really really fast! I fell off 2x. The first time was fun, the 2nd time I fell off really awkwardly and face planted & body slapped the water. My chin kinda hurts today, along with my arms for trying to hold on for dear life. But it was good times overall!

Yesterday (fri) was also B's b-day. I didnt call him bc I am trying to prove to myself and (I wont lie) to him that I don't need him anymore. He couldnt make time to come get his b-day things from me. Said he was too busy getting ready to leave for his vaca to make the drive and squeeze me in. It really pissed me off. It was basically the last straw. I left him a message about that that I was mad & whatever and also that I was going to throw it away. I didn't though... I had a card and since I already sent back his real present I drew some pictures for him. (like to draw and paint) They took a while and are OK. I'll just keep them and add them to the 'blake box'.

I feel kinda bad that I didnt call, but then I don't. He didnt call me either and left today (sat) w/o a call too. I think it's a big deal that I didnt call 4 his b-day, but then again it may not be to a guy. If the table was turned I would be hurt if I were him. But that's probably the difference between guys and girls.

I don't remember when he is coming home. I he told me a while ago and I just havent asked again bc I dont want to know. Mostly bc I dont want to be like 'he's home now, why hasnt he called me!?!' Or thinking about him the day he gets home or whatever. I'll get the 'hint' after next weekend bc I know his vaca wasnt going to go over 7days. But whatever, I am weird. I don't think he will call. And if he did I have no idea what I would do or want from it. If anything. I have a week to myself knowing he is gone. It's like the best way to break up. One of the two people just leaves and cant be called, texted or e-mailed. There's no point bc they arent going to get it bc they are gone.

Breaking up is hard. Which brings me to this. Usually people don't just 'break up' and all is over. It's more of a wrap up. Breaking up doesnt really become 'official' untill some time has passed. Break ups are never just clean cuts offs that people totally stop talking. Maybe they should be. But it doesnt happen often from my experience. However though, B and I may have had an actual break up and wont talk again. Ya never never know.

I wonder what guys think when they think of recent ex gf's (if any guys want to tell me I'll be all ears). I know what I think about... good memories, bad memories, why he is wrong and an asshole, why I'll miss him, his dogs, how he will be with out me, what type of girl might end up with next, what he's doing, what he's thinking him, sex... which I shouldnt be bc thinking about that might keep me hanging. But I think about sex w/ him more than I would think girls normally would. But I do so that's me.

I'm sure everything will be fine though. Just going through the motions.

Besides that all is well. I havent really looked for a job yet. Been trying to enjoy life a bit. I will next week though. I cant live for very long w/o a job. Work sucks.

OKie dokie thats it for now.

Becky's Survey

1. First and middle name?
Rachael Wynne, pronounced like Lynne but with a W instead.

2. Were you named after anyone?
My Sis picked out my name bc there was a little girl that got lost and then found and story was on the news. She just heard it and liked it. My parents and her all picked out a name or two and put them in a hat and out came Rachael.

3. Do you wish on stars?
Yes, sometimes.

4. When did you last cry?
Friday, I was stressed and everwhelmed.

5. Do you like your handwriting?
Sometimes, it kinda looks like the writing on the County Crows CD 'August and everything' after.

6. What is your favorite lunch meat?
Turkey! Peppered Turkey to be exact.

7. What is your birth date?
Dec, 23, 1983

8. What is your most embarrassing CD?
I've been thinking about this and I dont know.... I dont really have one.

9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
Fuck yeah! I rock! I can be direct but very loyal & understanding person.

10. Do you have a journal?
Yes, although I dont write in it much bc of this thing. Currently some of the pages are in the "blake box'.

11. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I do, but I wouldnt say a lot.

12. What are your nicknames?
Rach -general/blake
Sugar lump - from mom
pooh girl - from mom

13. Would you bungee jump?

14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
I always always were chunky flops. I may wear real shoes like 2x a year. Gotta love AZ!

15. Do you think that you are strong?

16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

17. Shoe Size?

18. Red or pink?

19. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
I wish my little belly was a bit littler

20. Who do you miss most?
That shit head

21. Do you want everyone that reads this to do the same?
Dont care

22. What color pants and shoes are you wearing?
barefoot and blue cotton shorts for lounging

23. What are you listening to right now?
the fan thats going

24. Last thing you ate?
ummm noodles in a cup

25. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

26. What is the weather like right now?
actually stormy

27. Last person you talked to on the phone?

28. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Whether they are attractive or not
I'm shallow...

29. Do you like the person that you got this off of?
<3 becky

30. Favorite Drink?
Iced Tea


32. Hair Color?
dark red w/ thick blonde streaks

33. Eye Color?

34. Height?
but with shoes on like 5'5''

35. Do you wear contacts?
yeah, I have bad eyes, not colored

36. Favorite Food?
home made atir fry, pizza, feta cheese, & italian food

37. Last Movie You Watched?
I think Sin City

38. Favorite Day Of The Year?
Of course my b-day!

39. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings?
I dont know... happy endings, but I to REALLY realize they are usually fake over done hollywood BS

40. Summer Or Winter?
Winter, but i do like to be able to swim...

41. Hugs OR Kisses?
Kisses, but cant have a good kiss w/o an warm hug

42. What Is Your Favorite Dessert?
Fizuki -sp?, it's half baked warm (right of the oven) cookie dough with a scoop of ice cream!

43. Who Is Most Likely To Do This to?

44. Who Is Least Likely To Do It?
I dont know...mojo

45. Living Arrangements?
With the fam-damily

46. What Books Are You Reading?
None, just finished 'In Her Shoes'

47. What's On Your Mouse Pad?
Dont have one

48. What Did You Watch Last Night?

49. Favorite Smells?
vanilla and my DG perfume

50. Favorite Sounds?
music, my mom, dad, and everyone elses voice that I love

51. Where Did You Meet Your Other Half?
Don't have one

Just my luck

Hey everyone, Rachael here. (as it is always)

OK for an update of my L.I.F.E.

So I went to work monday, all was well.
Went to work on Tuesday and all was not well.
I got laid off, let go, termed whatever. :(

They told me that they just didnt have enough stuff for me to do, & that it didnt make sense from a business stand point to keep me there. So they were emliminating the position all together. Which was true all I did was sit around and do random stuff, and the mail/fundings. But mostly just sat around.

But the thing that I am questioning is that on monday it was said that the big guy's - wife's camera and corporate folder (that had tax ids and other shit in it) went missing. I hope they didnt 'let me go' bc they thought I stole it. I didn't even think to say anything about it till after I was home. I surely would not steal someones camera and work folder.

So once again I am on the great job hunt. It sucks. But this time, I am not going to try and find another admin job. I talked w/ my Gram and she is going to let me use her as a reference and say that I worked at her bar. Which I didnt, but they dont have to know that. I am going to be a cocktail waitress. YAY. I'll probably make some $$, but it wasnt ideally what I wanted.

B and I are over too. I gave the no go and we are done. He said he was sorry and blah blah & that it was hard to 'let go'. I am upset about it. So I am going to stop here about that topic.

So I am off on another wild adventure to find another job and maybe after some time is gone by I will date again.

I might sell my car to get rid of the expense and drive the old intrepid that guzzles gas.

I want my life to be stable so I can continue with my school thing. Which I am very much enjoying.

That is the update.