Well here we are - Monday :(
The weekend was not much of a weekend as I had to work. But hey, at least it's somewhat amusing and it makes the time go by.
First topic:
It is quite amazing how people differ in this area.
I don't know if people realize that tips actually are suppose to make my car payment, pay my cell phone, insurance and etc.
Some people are just CHEAP asses. TIP FOR GOSH SAKES.
I have a few horror stories and it's frustrating.
This one weird hippy looking gal comes in alone. Doesn't want anything but a soda water and to watch the game. One table I know that I wont get anything for a tip and now all the other servers get another table bf I will again. Then eventually hippy wants to order some food. First subs her sides, then asks for an extra one. No prob, I make this happen for her. Then after she is munching she wants another extra side. No prob, but this one I had to charge her for bc my manager caught me ordering it. She decides she's done, she had racked up $25 worth of food/drinks. Give her the bill. She leaves. No tip. But she did leave a note saying that she couldn't believe that she was charged an extra $2 for sides and that was where my tip went. Nevermind that I was got everything right and provided good service. Nevermind I sub'd her side, even gave her an extra one. And that still was not good enough so that she asked for a 3rd one, and this one I had to charge her. 3 sub'd sides, charged once. Does anyone see this here?
Party of 5 come in. Big tables can be difficult bc the amount of food, and usually people alter their orders, keeping up on drinks, getting plates out of the way, and other table maintenance etc etc. Well they seemed really cool. I brought out a bottle of wine to show them that they didn't end up getting, rushed their drink orders in within a min so they would still get 'happy hour' specials, all food comes out beautifully, everyone is very nice and joking with me. Then dessert. The dreaded dessert that dumped my tip.
After all this, their big cookie w/ ice cream comes out hard. They eat almost all of it anyways and then complain. I tell management , no charge and we will make it again. The table seem OK with this. I had to even lie to my manager bc when he saw how much they ate he got mad. I told him the rest of the cookie dessert was on their plates still (even though they really just ate it). The asst. manager makes this one and didn't put extra ice cream on it like the cooks did with the first one. I tell him this and he says 'this is how it should be and its free' so basically too bad for them, 2 free cookies. Well on this almost $100 bill that these 5 people racked up, they made me split it up on 2 cards. The guy that was giving me the most 'tude about the cookies first being hard and then w/o as much ice cream tipped NOTHING! The other guy tipped $6. After all the bending backwards w/ the drinks, the food, the up keep and even the fucking $4 dessert that they got 2 of for free $6 fucking dollars? ARE YOU SERIOUS? I wanted to tell them to just fucking LEAVE and never ever come back. Fucking assholes. UNBELIEVABLE!
I had absolutely no control over these 2 situations and yet I get the shitty end of the stick?
I know when I am wrong. People were sat in a section that wasn't 'active' ie no one there to see them or serve. They sat there w/o help and finally after some complaints from them the host asks me I will take the table. I did, but these people are already upset and that just paves the way for a bumpy ride. Here was where I was wrong: as I was bending over to talk to them my long hair went into someone's ice tea. The hair and plus being already agitated I wasn't expecting much from these people bc they just weren't good sports about it. BUT what did I do? Gave them a fresh iced tea and then didn't charge them for any of them so all they had to pay for was the actual food. And somehow still got a 17% tip out of them.
I guess the moral of the story is don't take your grip w/ management out on the waitress. And also people can be SOOO CHEAP. Oh especially old people (not to make a generalization) from my experience so far. And they LOVE to yap. My time is money honey and the longer I am at your table, the longer someone else is waiting. So if you want to yap up, umm basically cough up. When I have time to talk, no prob, but keep in mind that there is probably something else I should be doing, but I am trying to provide 'excellent' service to you.
Well I was going to cover some other things, but now I am too tired. So maybe tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 at 6:53:00 AM PDT
I can sympathize on the tipping issue.
My better half relies on her tips as a manicurist. sometimes the tip is 100%
Tipping protocol at restaurants is 20%.
at bars, I have no idea.
yep, people are cheap, but cheap comes at a price when drinks are being sold at 10 times their cost.
it's like buying beer at a baseball game. 5 bucks for a beer? shit i can by a cheap 12 pack for 1 buck more.
My wife has noticed that the more richer they are the more cheap they are with tips, it's like they think tipping will eventually bring you up to their level in society or something.
anyways, great rant!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 at 7:59:00 AM PDT
Sounds all too hectic. Just be your pretty, sweet self! :-D Good luck, I always tip good, if you were my waitress I'd give you a great tip!
Chris is a bit cheaper, but I realize that the server lives off the tips so I tip more when I sign! ;-)
Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 7:51:00 PM PDT
welcome to the service industry, luv. when it's fab, it's the best. but when it sucks, it blows.
hang in there. awesome blog fodder.
Thursday, September 29, 2005 at 6:33:00 AM PDT
Just keep being the great person you are Rachael. You'll get people that love you and want you to serve them and they'll probably tip better.
Friday, September 30, 2005 at 11:08:00 AM PDT
I've always been taught that 15% is the standard in restaurants, but if you receive better than average service, then you tip 20%.
I tend to think 15% is low even if the service wasn't all that great. I don't tip under 20%, but will go above that if I can tell she/he is struggling and trying really hard...especially a college student. I know what it's like to be broke off your ass during the college years and working on commission or tips - I did it. It's not easy all the time, but the bright side is the whole reason you are going to college is so you don't have to spend a lifetime working those types of jobs for low wages. Keep your head up Rachel. You'll do just fine.
If I'm ever in your neighborhood and I get you as my server, expect a BIG tip even if you spill my beer - shit happens. ;)
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