Time just escapes me these days. I don't mean to let my blog go so unattended but it happens. I went to visit some other blogger pages today and some of my favs are gone, has it been that long? Nov 20something was only.... 3weeks ago.
Well anyways SCHOOL IS OUT!
Hopefully I passed all my classes. I could look online now but the thought gives me anxiety. Just want a few more days w/o knowing. I dont think I flunked all my classes but you never never know.
I had a 87% in my math class 2 weeks ago but then I slacked on one chapter and it screwed me for the next. So I hope that even if I bombed the last few tests that I will still pass.
My CIS class I had 74%, I hope I did OK on the final or at least end up w/ a 70% when all is said and done.
My SocPsych class I am sure that I am fine. That is the final I took today and I think I did well and had like c+ /B- so thats fine.
So that is all for me for now. Tonight is celebration that everything is OVER, for at least a month till I go back!
Thats all for me now.