Hey! Hey!
So I have a week to be a normal person. This is very exciting!
Its spring break and I am soooo happy! I have homework to do, but not a LOT. but some. Enough to keep me busy but Ill have time to live a normal life for a few days.
So to catch up....
A couple of weeks ago I twisted off for a night over the weekend and visited Arcosanti < www.arcosanti.org/ >. Arcosanti is a really cool community in central Arizona. The architect that built is world famous and his ideas on building and life are inspiring. It was sooo cool. You must open the above link and at least take a peak. Its soo very unique.

Unfortunately however, there was an indie film doing some shooting there, and we got finagled into being extras which was horrifying. This group was from Texas and im not sure how amature they were... but they treated us (the extras) like ass and eventually me and fam walked off the set and went to grab some food. F them. All they did was waste our time and rudely boss us around. And by the way - this was not a paid. We agreed to do it for purely the experience which I have now realized that I dont need. I will never be an extra in a movie again. Its not fun. At all.
But Arcosanti is beautiful. It's located in Central Arizona, which is a beautiful place. The weather is perfect. The landscape is gorgeous. You can feel mother earth there. You feel a connectedness that i dont feel here in the city, and havent really felt in other places. It's close to Sedona, AZ and the Vortexes so maybe that why you feel Mother earth and her energies.

So anyways, I want to live there someday. Someday when I dont have to bust my ass to make a buck anymore. But.. thats a while away so i wont get carried away.
But its an amazing place. I used to want to leave Phoenix but the older I get the more in love i become with diverse state. And we have a freaking cool name: Phoenix, the sun bird.
So onward...
I have received word from Australia that my best friend is coming home for a visit. Yasmin left a he years ago after graduating college to move back to her home lands. She has been in Perth for a few years now, and has put off coming home for a visit and she (I think) has committed to a visit back to the good ole AZ. I am so excited. We need this. Hence my crazy post to her the MySpace :
"so wtf - did you book????? =D =D =D =D =D I'm so happy!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG - I cant wait for wine and cigarettes and TALK and more talk of these things and of course a few of my favorite party favors. Come on May! Be here soon! We NEED this. Its been years. NEED. NEED. NEED. its not a want - its a NEED. Do you understand this? im sure you do. your my freaking sister/part of my kin, family, tribe, my brotha from anotha motha but with a Va-J-J ha ha but whatever the F -- you know this, and me. This is important. This makes me happy. And if you break my heart on this ill have your ass!
Confirm the good news.
Love you always."
Yasmin and I when we were 17.
This picture is getting close to being 10 years old.
Also since its spring break I have ordered a few good books from the good ole Amazon-dot-com. I have ordered some crazy sounding memoirs and a book called 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' about 2 middle eastern girls whos family sells them to a rich older man. Its a NY best seller is suppose to be a fantastic. So I am going to go start my read.
Ill post at ya laters.
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