417/05 My first comment! Notes Re: Mr Right & Camera

417/05 9:46a

OK I am oh so happy because I have recvd my first comment from another blogger. Dee from Diva in Scrubs http://adivainscrubs.blogspot.com/. I have linked her. I am so happy about this because I really do want to see what peoples opinions are. So far I have been extremely open and hopfully that doesn't bite me in the ass, but that's the way I would prefer to be -myself.

This is a continued thought from my previous post.
There are no other Mr. Rights. If another 'Mr. Right' tried to come around I think that I really would steal his beer and take off. ;) inside joke. But no, I can't see any other 'Mr. Rights' coming in my direction and plus there is no vacancy here. Reservations have already been made, there is no room for anyone else, this is a promised deal. So any other 'Mr. Rights' can fuck off.

(Sorry this won't make sense to anyone else)
As far as the camera...the main reason I wanted it back bc there are mostly pics of you, Rick James, and myself. Very few pics of Cali. I think I have like 4. But I am going to develop them today so I will mail you prints of the good ones. I got a pic of you all snuggled up in bed still sleeping one morning. I think it will be my favorite. You looked very cute and I really just wanted to crawl back in bed with you.