Pics of Blake, Yazi, Myself, and my all time favorite doggy Rick James.
These are old and bad. They were taken before Yasmin left to study abroad.
B has more on his comuter, if I get a chance I put those better ones up.
A bit intoxicated at like 3am...
Blake making a funny face... Blake and I drunkered w/ him looking kinda weird
Just a very drunk moment when I so very in love with B and Yaz.
These last 2 are my famorite bc of the memory behind it. We had just gotten back from the local water hole & Yasmin just got her cool new digital camera. So Blake took it and we started playing Mr. Photographer but uh he is not a good one -but he tried. It funny bc we were all plastered sitting on the floor, leaning on the very comfy leather couches that we could have been sitting in. But hey, we were plowed.
Saturday, July 30, 2005 at 9:41:00 AM PDT
i don't know WHAT i was expecting b to look like...but that is so not it.
you are a cutie, r.
Saturday, July 30, 2005 at 11:43:00 AM PDT
There's nothing wrong with tho's pictures. Wait tell your like 30something, and you will take them out and love them because they will remind you of the good times. I only see one guy , Blake, he must have been in guy heaven. lol
Saturday, July 30, 2005 at 6:29:00 PM PDT
It was just the 3 of us that night. We had a blast. One of my more fonder memories. No drama and a lot of drunk fun.
Tuesday, August 2, 2005 at 11:20:00 AM PDT
This first picture of Blake reminds me of someone I have seen before. Just can't place it. Somebody from the entertainment sector....
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