And for an example this is why.
Today I get in and the few people that are here are not here. So I take a seat and then everyone piles back in. Pete one of my bosses tells me Katie my direct supervisor made speghetti for everyone in the kitchen. So then a couple min later Katie comes in and tells me to go grab some 'sgetti'. I do and its awesome, better than anyones 'sgetti' I've ever had. Along with the 'sgetti' are thick homemade chocolate chunk cookies. And there is milk in the fridge. It was perfect.And this isnt a one time thing. She does it frequently.
This place is a rather small campus but it has everything from a gym to a big FULL size kitchen that is stocked. And there is a small fish pond and thats my favorite bc I've always wanted a pond and now I kinda have one.
Katie my direct sup is awesome. She's from SC so shes a southern girl. 37 but you's never guess that she was. She looks 27-29. And she's looks great.
Some days I can be busy on little projects but most days I sit here doing little things like this and reading stuff online. The only thing I have to do is checks and that can take hour-hour and half. Oh and I feed the fish if Katie hasnt already.
One more awesome bonus. Katie said I could do HW stuff at my desk. Now it wouldnt be right to have all my text books and papers all over the place but I will have the chance to read and do small assignments and maybe even write paper on the compu while I am here.
Thursday, July 7, 2005 at 1:20:00 PM PDT
I'm from SC too! Southerners as I've noticed are much nicer than "yankees" are. We are much much more laid back, never really in a hurry. Glad to hear that your job is going so good, your bosses both really sound like nice people! Congrats!
Thursday, July 7, 2005 at 4:30:00 PM PDT
That sounds like my soon to be new job, I worked there before and they were always looking for excuses to bring food, loved it.
Hope all is well Rachael.
Have a good day.
Thursday, July 7, 2005 at 5:44:00 PM PDT
Only sometimes do I talk like I am from Texas... ok maybe most of the time.
I'm doing good, write me an email sometime, I miss getting them from you :)
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