Lessons Learned

With every down fall and every gain there is a lesson.

I thought I had some words of wisdom for this categpry. But I dont. People have hang ups? People are flawed? Umm no one is perfect? People are normally followers?
I dont think i did much wrong (i'm not perfect either though) and perhaps even though I am so hurt by all this there will soon be some good in what has happened in my life. I dont think i deserved what my 'good' friends did and how they behaved to turn me off so much but maybe i deserved better friends and perhaps maybe some new ones will come about.

I suppose the big lesson here for me is that just bc you & whoever claim to be in love doesnt mean that things are going to work out and that you will love each other and live happily ever after. And just bc you say you love them doesnt mean that will fix the problems. Or their problems. Or your problems.
Not that I thought that it would make everything peachy, but I did think it (love) meant something & that if I as the other half of the cake would be willing to put aside my own problems and do anything/something to put us back together that we could make it... come to find out thats not good enough sometimes.
That doesnt leave me with very many more options.
So I guess you gotta keep on trucken and trying to make the best of things.

You cant live with em, could probably live w/o em.
:) j/k

Nothen better than Momma's love