So Yasmin calls me this afternoon telling me that my old friend Megan emailed her asking for my blog address. I havent talked to this girl in like...I dont even know a month, and then we exchanged a few emails over a week or 2 ago. But I thought this was very weird and Yasmin thought it was really weird too. Yasmin and Megan know each other pretty much through me. And Yasmin has been in Australia for like 6mos. She does know of this falling out and wants nothing to do with it. She wasnt friends with Megan really and just doesnt want any drama.
I def do not want her to have this blog addy. This has become my little safe place to rant and vent. I dont want it invaded by Megan
A.) bc we arent good friends anymore
B.) It's none of her damn business,
Either she & Jen are that bent about us not being friends or they are nosy... probably both. She had to have known that Yasmin would tell me though, kinda odd. I'm sure she knows about how B & I broke up and maybe she wants to see what I will say about it so she can tell some of the other girlfriends or Jen and they can have something to gossip about. Screw that monkey shit. I so dont even want to go there. I never wanted to be 'in' that clique bc it was just gossip/drama fest. So I never reached out to them. Which in a way just made it harder. oH wEll
So I emailed her I said I thought that was weird to email Yasmin and ask for my blog address. She said she 'wasnt thinking'. Hopefully she didnt figured it out and is reading.
This just kinda adds to the thought that I probably should change the web address and pick out a new name so cant be found.
I really didnt want to do that though. I contemplated changing it so B couldnt read it and then I was just like oh fucking well. So I should just blow her off too.
I am OK with my life right now. I like that I am making friends at work and its turning into play time. I've liked hanging with my family. My Sis and I are starting to be better friends. Which her and I have not always been on great terms. I go back to school so soon and I'm sure I will be around tons of cool new people. There are a lot of good things happening right now. Oh! I got my appeal letter aproved. Things are looking up for me. Finally. And I like the direction my life is headed.
I do kinda wonder what Jen thinks of me just taking off like that though. I was very upset with what happened with them. I needed to be alone for a while. I needed to figure some shit out and I really have. I dont even feel like the same person is some ways. Like all this was a huge lesson that I gained so much insight from. Still sucks how it happened. But, I hope that it doesnt sound gay or cheesy but I really think I have gained some wisdom. I havent sorted it all out in ways to describe it or explain but its there...I dont know -I feel stupid so I am just going to leave it at that bf I look like more of an idiot.
But hopefully that makes sense somewhat?
Well I guess its time for bed time.
Thursday, July 21, 2005 at 6:00:00 AM PDT
Wow, you really remind me of myself sometimes.... I know I don't know shit, but at the same time I still think I have learned a lot, and it just feels so arrogant to even say that. And I think you know exactly what I mean. I hate giving advice, sometimes I almost feel obliged to do so though, but I still feel like a huge ass when I do. Like I know everything or something, I don't want to be labeled as a know-it-all or whatever....
Anyhow, that's pretty weird about that chick Megan, she prolly just wants to know if you've said anything about her. 8-\
Friday, July 22, 2005 at 3:21:00 PM PDT
lol i recently changed my blog addy because i gave it someone then had second thoughts about that... anyway, have you considered putting a site counter on it? offers a great hidden counter that let's you know exactly who's visiting your blog; and where & what they've done on the site... Just a bit 'o advice. oh, btw~ enjoying the reading... do you mind if i put a link to you on my blog?
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