I am so pissed right now. i dont even know where to start. I guess I'll start w/ a screw everyone. Girls are fucking drama queens! I was going to try and explain but its not even worth words. J and M are pussies and are probably going to get back together. You dont say I love you to someone you dont want to be with. So thats my stance on that. But we'll see what happens. They would have to come up some type of plan to clear the air. I am so convinced right now that I should just disconnect my phone and change my email. I hate everyone. There are so many fake & lame people out there. I'd rather be on my own than w/ that.
I always think that: Birds of the same feather flock together. It's not always true but most of the time it is. But what does this say inregard to me? Not good stuff but I think that i am different. And there are a few people that dont fit the stereotype but what the fuck. This is all just crap. It really is. The fact that people are just fake and lame and LIARS i fucking hate all of it. I am too young to be so jaded but everywhere I look its just fucking DRAMA. Drama in my email, drama on the phone, drama on the call waiting, drama at the door drama just fucking everywhere. Nothing is right right now and holy fuck this has to be the final cycle bc WOW i have just been besides myself over everything for way TOO long. For like weeks now its just been horrible. Like I take a step or two foward and then get slammed w/more crap. I hate it. I finally just realized that i am completely alone and I couldnt want to be more alone ever again.
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