I slept for the majority of the day. Now I am all wired. So I figured I'd post.
Well tomorrow I am going down to finish up my enrollment for school. Very excited. Also excited that some how I figured out how to survive working part time and having a car payment, rent and etc. I would encourage anyone to work part time. It's brought me so much peace, (sometimes boredom) but I think it might be worth it. Some people may not understand this.
I have figured out a basic school schedule. Hopefully I will have time to talk to a counselor. Or I wont, who knows.
Somedays I feel kind of numb. I have had a few days like that recently. Nothing seems like its worth even talking about. Kinda sad.
I would like to meet some new people. I think it would be fun. I have never made a friend from anyone that has been in any of my classes before but I am hoping that will change this semester.
I am lonely sometimes and I miss feeling close to people. I just dont want to go back to the type of life I had before.
But Jeff just called and he gives the best talks so I am going do that. I love him, he is my very best friend that lives in Ca.
Here's a pic for all of you to see
Monday, August 1, 2005 at 6:40:00 AM PDT
It's great to have a guy friend. They can give you a guys side of the input.
O.K. Rachael as I write this part, I am going to be laughing my head off , because you are going to be shocked , but here go's. You want to know how makes the best friend for a female, it's not a girlfriend or a guy friend, It's a gay guy friend. O.K. know you are socked and laughing. lol me too
But It's true they are fun have femal view and are strong enough to protect you when you go out together.lol
Monday, August 1, 2005 at 8:19:00 AM PDT
Good job Jeff!
Monday, August 1, 2005 at 9:50:00 AM PDT
I wish I could work part time, only full time available to work! Glad that you have an agenda to go make friends! It's nice to make new friends I've found out, one's that haven't been around to have seen all the dumb shit you've done, lol, and pick on you with it and bring it up in front of guys and stuff. Anyhow, good luck with getting the new friends, i agree with exseno, Gay guys are just awesome, I had one for a friend once and he was just great!
Monday, August 1, 2005 at 10:56:00 AM PDT
Lol EXSENO, maybe you are right but I wouldn't really know. On the downside to that - most gay guys carry more drama than your average woman. So if you are an anti-drama type of person, then you may not mesh well with really emotional people. You would have to make the call there Rachael.
Anyway, why don't you take up some new sports, interest or hobbies if you want to make new friends? Alot of times in college, people are in and out of the class without saying much to anyone. The real socializing comes from roommates, frats, parties, ect. If you don't want to meet people that way, then I'm sure if you get yourself out there more in social settings that you will run into all sorts of people and maybe make a new friend or two. The ideal buddy would be running into them doing something you enjoy - like if you like mountain biking, go do that and you might meet a fellow mountain biker would love nothing more than to hang out with you on bike rides and perhaps other similar interests you both share.
I know for me, one of my loves is racing motorcycles. So I know I would never of meet half of the guys if I didn't go to bike night and go to some street drag races, ect. I might not have a whole lot of other stuff in common with some of these other biker guys, but we do share the same passion for speed bikes - works out well. Honestly I probably have too many interests so it's not hard for me to run into people that share similar passions.
Monday, August 1, 2005 at 12:00:00 PM PDT
Oh, Dont get me wrong, I have friends. Just not as many as I did before. Somewhat my own fault bc I left the situation but I would like to meet a new group of people and have a crew so to speak. The friends i have now are kinda random here and there type of thing.
Monday, August 1, 2005 at 7:27:00 PM PDT
i can relate...
Tuesday, August 2, 2005 at 11:17:00 AM PDT
The best friend anyone can have is the one that listens to you no matter what and at the end gives you some advice if applicable.
Have a good week!
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