I am a bit embarresed at the moment. Not sure how to redeem myself.
At work I am still new and still getting the hang of all this.
But I guess I opened my mouth about couple of things that I shouldn't have. I should have known better but I didnt.
Someone gave me the scoop today on my 'oops'. I feel dumb. Oh gosh.
I have to pick up food tomorrow morning for the one the guy that would have been a bit hmm what's the word...bothered by my 'oops'. Me being me would like to say sorry that I messed up but that probably wouldnt be professional. So fuck me. I am not going to ever open my mouth again and talk to only my boss. I thought everyone was close friends. But there seems to be more to the story.
I still have some learning to do. I feel like this terrible trouble maker.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 5:37:00 PM PDT
I know how you feel, just today I inserted my foot in my mouth too. My mom works for the same company I do, and we have I.M.'s that we send back and forth sometimes... She was on the phone with a lady in my office I highly dislike, and I said give her hell to my mom on the i.m. and it just so happens, as her husband works for us too as the i.t. guy, he was in mom's office and saw it! I was so embarassed! Shit happens, all you have to do is get over it really, and make the best of the situation... Make some jokes, make people laugh, and hopefully forget how big your mouth is, that is what i do! :-D
Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 8:19:00 PM PDT
It used to happen to me too when I moved into the industry. Its different from what we guys were in school or college.
But, hey...its a good lesson too right? I know you not gonna repeat this again in future....so chill!!
Take care
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