So far this weekend has been a good one. I've been busy.

Friday night Jeff took me out for this treat. We only made it to din din. Which was awesome. A very nice Mexican food restraunt. Then we came back to my casa and hung out. Also watched Napoleon Dynamite for the like 100th time. It's such a good movie. My Sis came out and hung out too. Finally a little 'dazed and confused' I walked Jeff out and hit the hay.

Saturday, I went to see Brothers Grimm with Momasita and Sissy. Good movie even though it didn't get great reviews. Afterwards, I realized Jeff had my sun glasses so I went to his house and pick them up. He had his friend over and I ended up staying. We watched Sin City and got 'dazed and confused'. ha. Well anyways Sin City was good. And I had a good time with Jeff and his buddy. Came home and hit the hay. Woke up at 8am! Was mad so I rolled over and slept some more till 10ish. A little better.

Today I am suppose to meet with my Dad and work on my Math homework. Gosh I hate math. I am so dumb dumb sometimes.

B has not yet decided he gives a shit about me. I am so irritated with his repugnant attitude sometimes.

So thats all that I am doing. I am so glad that Jeff is here. I love him to pieces! but anywho, I have not much else to write about here today. I should figure out what time I will be needing to put on my thinking cap. Hence my math hw. awhh gawsh. I hate it.



Sunday, August 28, 2005 at 1:06:00 PM PDT

I kinda wanted to go see that movie, Brother's Grimm, I think I will make my husband take me! Glad you had a nice visit from your buddy!


Sunday, August 28, 2005 at 7:28:00 PM PDT

All the best for ur math homework...


Monday, August 29, 2005 at 10:22:00 AM PDT

You actually liked Napolean Dynomite? I may have to rethink my relationship with you!