I would like to post all of my thougts.
I would like to say that I am a big fan of Becky. She was my first reader, and I think I was hers besides Chris of course. We watched each others blogs go from little unkown blogs, to blogs that get a few comments here there, to geting a handful. And along the way of getting to know her she has turned out to be a GREAT peson. I at first questioned her want for marriage, kids, and everything else. But getting to know her I think she is well aware of what she wants & is fully capable. And she has a great guy to do it with. I am happy for her. As we all should. Really it's no one business what her and Chris do. But I think she deserves all the happiness the world can give her, as we all do. It really disgusts me that people can be so mean and heartless. So anyone that wants to bad mouth her or really anyone else for that matter can eat my shit.
Ok, thats that. Thanks for reading.
A recent topic on everyone's blogs has been about blogs or blogging.
What I dont understand is why people feel the need to so rudely blast other peoples blogs, person, choices and etc. This was suppose to be a free & safe place to rant, rave, bitch, curse, explore ideas, tell stories, and other personal and non personal things. So be why so rude about it? There are of course going to be difference of opinions. But be tacful. Be respectful! I know I have not always been perfect in this area. But my 'oops' usually come after someone else made a wrong move. It doesnt make me much better. But seriously. If you cant say something respectfully and tactfully then dont say it at all.
Everyone will have there own private thoughts. BUT do you really think here in bloggerland you are really going to change someones life that is 10 states away? No! You ARE NOT. So why make an ass out of yourself? People do not so easily change. At least not in a huge way. The only thing you will succeed in doing is angering them and making an ass out of yourself. And if you have something that you really feel is an important 'negative' issue that you feel you need to address to another blogger, request to EMAIL them in prviate so that everyone else that comes to that particular comment section doesnt see your bull shit opinion. That at least makes you look respectful and gives others an oppertunity to form there own opinion (or non at all) of whatever. 1st it is WRONG to bash people, and it makes it even worse when you do so for EVERYONE to read.
This is a place that we should be able to put our guards down and be our beautiful selves. So just CHILL and be nice. This isnt a place to make enemies. This is a place to read, learn, converse, and most importantly enjoy. And people that cross the line and blast other people are not the people that I think any of us came here to read about, learn from, and get to know.
a dedication goes to my twitterpated friend.
Friday, August 26, 2005 at 4:58:00 PM PDT
Very good Rachael, I agree with that. It's to bad isn't it that a few alway have to try and spoil things for the rest.
But you know what I don't think I would be willing to give out my e-mail to just anyone. They may turn out to be really troublesome and use or abuse your e-mail.
Friday, August 26, 2005 at 6:06:00 PM PDT
Thanks Rachael, I have to agree with you here... Also, I've never been anything but nice to that woman, she was determined to hate me! I don't know, oh well whatever right?!
p.s. she has chris's email and could've emailed him, instead of trashing his new wife on his blog. I went on her blog and told her she was scum!
Saturday, August 27, 2005 at 7:06:00 AM PDT
Saturday, August 27, 2005 at 9:06:00 PM PDT
sing it, sistah!
judgmental people suck. and you can quote me.
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