My apologies for my lack of 'real' posts and comments on yours.
This blog was a place to record cool events, rant/rave, unload, and mostly talk about my feelings. However, I just havent had much to say lately. Don't have much going on in the ole' noggin. Actually there is a little but I don't want to really think about my 'feelings' and whats been going on bc a break up is hard and I don't want to go digging shit up. Maybe that's not a good way to approach it but right now that's what I have been doing. And since I have not really put forth an effort I havent really read everyones blog to comment. I'll visit and scan the entries, then leave.
This week has been kinda nice. I still hurt but I've known Blake is out of town and so there isnt much I can do. I know he can't call me, I can't call him and so it makes it kinda easier. I don't know how that makes sense. But when he went on vaca our little situation kind of went on vaca bc he's just not here. I think he gets back today. Yesterday I was kind of anxious about that. Today, I just woke up so how I feel hasn't really unfolded. I was pretty wound up yesterday though, so bad that I couldnt sleep. It took me forever to finally doze. I have no idea what he will do, if anything. I don't know what I should do if anything. I am kinda leaning towards not do anything.
The good thing is that I have been pretty much busy this week. After I start working on Saturday I'll be even more busy. So that is the good thing. I really want that peaceful thought back though, that he's not here. So I cant really obsess about it. Part of me thinks that this is it, and I won't hear much from him, but then the other part thinks that he won't let me go. So I'm nervous.
So that's about it.
Oh yesterday I went shopping yesterday and I bought a couple of pairs of jeans and I am in love with them. And I got this super hot shirt. I look awesome in it. Everything fits well and is complimentry. I'm not fat, not even chubby really, but I have some curves & the twins are of nice size, so plus that and being short finding clothes that I think I look good in are far and few between. So yay. I got an 'eat your heart out Blake' outfit.
Friday, September 9, 2005 at 10:14:00 AM PDT
Really sorry about B... Most of us can empathize with the pain, and it sucks real bad. It can instablitize a person completely. Best cure I've found is, keep my mind off of it, do things, keep busy, and number one rule: always throw away those momentos! It's a hard thing to do, but it really should be done... Well, that's just what I would do is all...
You seem to have it under control though, keeping yourself all busy, smart girl! ;-) Happy Friday Chick! :-D
Friday, September 9, 2005 at 11:53:00 AM PDT
You have a new job to look forward to now to so that will help keep you bussy. At that it will do , not at all like the gym.
Friday, September 9, 2005 at 2:51:00 PM PDT
Yeah, break-ups suck! I feel for ya. Hang in there and good going on the outfit. Shopping always cheers a girl up, right? Don't worry about not making your "blog rounds". Those blogs will always be there one day when you are feeling up to dropping in and saying something. Have a good weekend!
Monday, September 12, 2005 at 11:36:00 AM PDT
you tellem girl!
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