from work.
I took down the post bc I got annoyed with B and then I saw that and I just didnt want it to be the posted anymore.
Everything is fine w/ B though. We've been (except one thing) very good these past weeks. I just got off the phone w/ him. He's out having beers w/ the boys and I am going over there after I get off work. Makes me feel good that he doesnt change a whole lot when he is in front of the guys. He doesnt swear his love for me, but he seems happy that I called and its a warm fuzzy.
Last night I went out to Yasmins 80's party and had a blast. Also the night bf thanksgiving B, I & his buddy from Ill met up w/ Yaz and a bunch of cool peeps. Fun times. And no DUI for me bc I drank water like a good girl bf we left (being that its the biggest DUI night of the year here in AZ).
I am going to school to be a nurse and hope one day to graduate w/ my Masters to be a Nurse practioner = BIG BUCKS! But right now focused on getting my RN.
As far as world peace. Thats a tricky question bc I dont know all the stories of the countries that have conflict w/ other nations to make a final descion on that. I have a few ideas but you never never know. I think there is a lot that is not covered by the media. And I am sure that the conflicts that are there are so embedded and historic that it will be a huge process to unwond everything. I do wish that people would just be humane and coutreous though, that would be a start!
Well back to work guys and gals. Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving!