6/15/05 When it rains -it pours BAD NEWS

This morning I was calling around for tires and I am getting screwed on the costs. These people want me to shit out like $400-500 on tires. So I started to freak and called my Father for some advice. And got more BAD NEWS.
My step brothers Dad died on Monday. He was diagnosed w/ Luekemia 4 weeks ago and just died. I guess it pays to have a check up every 6/9mos. I have been bitter towards these people that moved in and took over my house so long ago. Most of my grudge has subsided over the years and it wasnt with them bc they were younger than me, it was with the adults. Now I have to say that eveything happens for a reason. Perhaps my Dad was to take over parenting for them bc they never had a good Dad and then later the one they did have left them in death. Its so weird bc I saw one my step brothers on saturday. Everything was fine then. You never know when life is going to happen. So stay close to the people you love. I wish i would have given him a hug or something.

So last night I went to a friends house and had a good time. However, my friends BF that she is totally in love with is going to stay a few mos in another far off state and get some things rolling for himself. How sad. I feel bad bc the last time i saw him we were all not getting along so well. I hope there are no grudges. I guess he is having a real hard time right now w/ life so he is going to get a few things straight and then come home. So that sucked to see a friend upset, I know how she must feel.

As far as my tires I love meg, she can sometimes hook me up. But not today. The only thing that they can find is $117. a tire ~thats with the discount and that moving to a bigger tire bc they cant get me into the same size that i have now. I am better off going to Big O. I will be broke. It wont be highest my account as been at. Worse time ever to be getting this stuff fixed.

So besides all this my day is OK. I have had better days but life is full of ups and downs and hopefully itll go back up.



Wednesday, June 15, 2005 at 11:35:00 AM PDT

I noticed a grammatical error in your profile.
You are a girl "WHO'S ," not a girl "THAT'S" getting swept off her feet.... Things are "that" and people are "who."
