6/17/05 It's Friday!

And I am so happy that it is. I had a bit of a rough week but I want all to know that I am doing OK. I ranted a few times this week and have been a bit of stressed out. But it will get better and my mood is slowly moving upwards.

I still need to finish filling out my FASFA with my Momma and then I'll know what the deal is with that. I think that I will sell my car, pay off what I owe on it and then buy a little honda or something. I dont want to, but having a car payment and everyhting is expensive and only working part time will be hard. I am sad, I like my car.

I am learning that I do have some readers here. I didnt know. I thought I was writing to myself and mostly my friend Yasmin (yasminsplace.com), and sometimes B. But he tells me he doesnt read my blog anymore bc it 'causes him drama'. I dont know where he gets that but OK. Whatever, I cant change your mind. Which actaully it did cause us some drama bc if ever got into a fight I would rag about it here and then he would read it and oops we would be in bigger fight. Plus he thinks i make him out to worse than he is. But whatever.

Last night I had a good time with B. We smoked some pot and watched Napoleon Dynomite. I know its bad but sometimes I like to smoke pot. But I am far from a pot head. Its just fun. I am not a big drinker so its only fair. Oh and I like taking a pill from time to time.

But anyway its such a funny movie. My theory is that you have to watch it 2x at least to get it. The first time you watch it you are sitting there waiting desperatly for something to happen that will follow the typical movie story line. But it never happens and for the first round you are sitting there trying to analyze everything in your head and make sense of it, and of course laugh bc it really is funny.

So B ewas being so great last night. Maybe he missed me or something bc he kept on hugging me and giving me kisses all over cheeks. And for our 1 yr anniversary he got me a Tiff & Co bracelet and necklace set and the little spring that makes the braclet hold on broke and he seemed as upset as me and hes going to get it fixed this weekend. Maybe that needs to go to Tiffanys though or maybe not, i dont know. But he seemed just so lovey it was great bc I needed that bc ive been in my own little world
write more later



Friday, June 17, 2005 at 10:29:00 AM PDT

Pot causes lack of motivation, my main reason to not do it anymore. That and I don't need it, and it really feels good to say that. I was bad off into pills too, Pills=Stupid Retarded Becky! I had to get away from those which was much harder than the pot, b/c they cause a physical addiction, pot is just mental. Not trying to be condescending, just saying what happened with me... Actually it almost killed me taking all those pills, xanax, kldopin, codines, etc. etc. I was on my death bed, literally. I'm fine now though! :-D Sorry to sound preachy at all. Chris helped me a lot if it weren't for him being there and being my friend i never would have gotten off all of it. He's my personal savior!
That movie is funny though, it does seem you'd need to watch it twice to get it... Congratulations on the one year that's awesome! And thank god it's Friday! :-D