6/28/05 My Horoscope:

Whoa! What the heck was that? Did you just feel the earth move under your feet? Lately it feels like foundations that you take for granted no matter what are being awfully shifty and unreliable. It's important to remember that in this world, the only constant element is change. So while it feels like everything is in a state of upheaval, hold onto a sense of perspective and you'll be just fine

In some ways this is true; but mostly just about the changes. I dont think I have taken much for granted lately. But I do believe I'll be just fine.

Went out w/ my Mother and had din-din she loves her new job and they have great benefits and pension plans so she thinks she might stay on board.

She also told me when our health insurance kicks in I will be seeing a specialist bc the pill is not making me have a period. My Mom told me she thinks I seem to be retaining a lot of water weight bc of my hormone levels are off and that even my Grandma is worried about me. The pill fails everytime i get more stressed than normal. So I am going to go to a specialist in August and will probably have my hormone levels tested and then whatever hormone I am lacking will be given to me or maybe even a procedure. I am not sure. But even though I know my hormones are off; right now especially I dont feel that bad off. I have felt worse bc of this thing. WAY WORSE. I feel like myself for the most part. So thats with that. I dropped the ball and didnt take care of it the first time.

I gotta go to work today and it doesnt bother me one bit, I cant wait. Maybe I'll use the tread mill in the gym today.



Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 12:58:00 PM PDT

The pill is certainly a dangerous thing, most woman should not take it. I can't myself b/c it will kill me in so many words, it causes blood clotting come time to actually have a child and women in my family get them real bad during child birth even with out the pill. Be careful though, just a forewarning of what has happened in my family with "the pill."