Re: Comments

Oh by the way -about the comment about back stabbers and pity fucks that was someone that thinks I am getting walked on and taken advantage and my post As Always explains my perception the scenario. But I'll write again for more clarification.

Situations are not perfect. People are not perfect. I am not perfect.
However, I feel that my way of handling my dealings is just fine. Just bc I dont kick someone when they are down bc of 'he said she said' BS doesnt mean that I am a pussy or that I am lettingmyself be walked on. I am aware of what is happening/happened and I am silently waiting for more of the truth to come out. I do that in 'talks' and in random conversation and silently watching & collecting what I need to make my own judjement. In time everything will fit together.

I will never follow a group opinion just because its the majority opinion. Thats HS shit and I wont be bothered with it. I've been that person once that got turned on by a group of people that were 'friends'. People that didnt even know me or the situation tried to beat me down w/ this nonsense. And since then I will always do things MY way bc I know how it can be. If everyone else wants to handle something a certian way then that is fine. Thats you, but that is not me.

And last of all, if I am outcasted bc I have my own opinion well -I guess I'll just stop there and you can make up your own ending.



Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 12:55:00 PM PDT

apparentely my message was not conveyed very diplomatically. the message was fueled by anger. i do believe you and rebecca (whoever she is?) missed my point. it's simple your "friend" trashes your name all over the valley i've received 1st hand info on that and brought it to a bright light for you to see. i'm confused as to how you can go on looking that "friend" in the eye and still respect yourself. you are 100 times bigger and better than that so that leaves me baffled. by the way i've been of this planet for 33 years and (believe it or not) have gained a little wisdom along the way. I just have a very short fuse for liars.


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 1:06:00 PM PDT

Hey I am only a third party observer here, I have no idea what the facts truly are... just what i read, okay?!
I meant no offense to anyone....
If you're being talked about behind your back, I do know how you feel Rachel. When i was 14, i walked up to the new girl in school, and got her accepted by the "cooler kids," all on my own.... and what did she do, she got them all to agree how uncool, and imature i was! So i became the outcast... Never the less, for some reason I still wanted to be around them, rejection is fucked up like that.
What i learned though, it feels better to be rejected when you know you're being the nicest, and sweetest you can be in the mean time. Your happiness is all that counts, bitterness can never prosper.