Reasons Why I Rock

Just a few reasons listed that make me; ~me~ and why they are so cool

1.) I am an understanding person. Maybe sometimes overly understanding w/ people I love. Approach me as a human w/ faults and weaknesses and I will try my hardest to understand & be open minded.

2.) I have a decent sense of humor. I may not laugh at everything, but if I laugh at your joke it was damn good.

3.) Straight forward and overly direct. Ummm well I don't like being confused or being confusing. I prefer when people treat me the w/ the same.

4.) I have a big heart

5.) Underneath it all I am sensitive. I may not seem that way but when it comes to an opinions that matter I can be a softy.

6.) I have some rebel spirits in me. I have enough rebel in me that I wont always follow the majority, I have my own thoughts, and also I can have some fun too. But I am still responsible and try to be mindful of cultural difference's

7.) I can admit I was/am wrong. You have to prove it to me first though, otherwise I am just hard headed. :)

8.) I ask questions, I just have to be clear.

9.) I can be a good listener and a good talker.

10.) I am a loyal, sometimes overly loyal bc it causes me stress when other aren't as much as me.



Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 12:45:00 PM PDT

why could not I have met you 22 years ago?

You sound like my soul mate....


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 1:52:00 PM PDT

no. not being sarcastic.

the descriptions of yourself reminds me of my self.

saw your comments on chris's blog.

Sorry happily married here with a 14 and 20 year old.


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 2:21:00 PM PDT

I wasnt asking w/ that intention. I can do math and I your post about what you did for the 4th and that you are in Alabama.
But thanks.


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at 6:50:00 AM PDT

I know that.

Yep you and I are alike indeed.
