90's & other tid bits about me

I am not going to write posts in blogger anymore. It’s such a frustration to write and then have the net to go down (like today) or to have blogger eat it.

Anyways, I will try and recreate my post that was lost.

We made breakkie for the fam-damily today . I make the best eggs. Hmm yummy. They were delish.

While me and my Sis were cooking I put on the 90's cable music. I love the 90's. It was my time. I was born in the early 80's but they just didnt have the same impact on me...

It’s the music from the 90's that can take me back to times, memories, and experiences that for the most part lay forgotten deep in my mind. It was a time when I was getting to know myself and the world around me. I def think that the 90's were more interesting as far as culture and ‘the seen’ is concered then today. It was also the peak of my radical self. I seemed to have had so many more thoughts, ideas, and theories at that time. And cool memories. I think I am boring now. Or at least I feel boring....I guess I can't be that bad in my 20's. But, I seemed to have gotten wrapped up in the ‘real world’ and parts of me that were radical and creative died. I lost my edge? I used to write (I thought good) poetry and now when I try I seem unable to. Maybe I am more jaded? It holds me back? Ahh I don’t know. But I love the 90's. And I don't think VH1's ‘I love 90's’ special does it all the justice it deserves.


Like I said earlier I got my hair done yesterday. I love it. It’s creative and kinda original. I have a vibrant but dark merlot/wine color with blond highlights that are a bit chunky. It’s slightly alternative, pretty, & girly...it’s perfect for me. Maybe a tad bit of punk to it w/o looking like a trouble maker. Its just goes well. I will try and post a pic bf it fades and becomes more average looking.


Also I wish that I could customize my blog. The colors here are not very 'Rachael' bc I am not a very 'pink' girl. But the template choices on here dont match me very well either. I tried to change the pinks on this one to a deep red and half the pinks changed and half of them didnt. I must not have found all of the color codes and changed them. I gave up on it.


I forgot the other topics I was going to write about. That’s ok though. I think I want to do something artsy today.
Well anywho, maybe I will write more later.
Ta ta



Sunday, August 7, 2005 at 4:38:00 PM PDT

i'm a chica of the 90s as well. i graduated high school and headed off to college--and the city--in 1992.

early 90s music always reminds me of those times.

i realized a while back that the 90s aesthetic still rilly appeals. yep, i dressed my kid in a t-shirt with a flannel. v early 90s grunge. lol


Sunday, August 7, 2005 at 7:29:00 PM PDT

and p.s...your hair sounds super cool!


Monday, August 8, 2005 at 8:02:00 AM PDT

No, don't go! :'-( I'll miss you, I like reading your blog! I love 90's music too... I prefer it to today's music honestly... When you quit listening to the pop big hits station you know you're getting older, lol.


Monday, August 8, 2005 at 9:06:00 AM PDT

where am i going?


Monday, August 8, 2005 at 11:25:00 AM PDT

You said you wouldn't be posting on blogger anymore..... Or so the first line of this post says. :'-(


Monday, August 8, 2005 at 11:59:00 AM PDT

Oh I meant that I would be writing in like word and then copy pasting into blogger. Sorry! :)


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 at 12:22:00 PM PDT

i write my in word first.