Close a door, a window appears

Todat I said goodbye to someone that was dear to my heart. It's hard and yet easy at the same time. People come and then people go. It's just hard fact of life, that I have been trying to work around to prevent. But it happens. There is no way to prevent these things, there is no way to work around them. It just happens. It has to happen bc then other good things that are to come will not. A door closes and then a window appears. Another window of oppertunity. Aint life grand?

At this moment, I am at some type of peace. I am sure that will change bc it always does. I will be angry, regretful, sad and all those other things. But all I can do is ride this one out and start over.


I also cleaned out my e-mail today. I tend to let it stack up. I think this is a way to make me feel less lonely or something strange like that. I remember the last time I did this I was kind of disapointed everytime I opened my emial and to see that it was completely empty. I have folders for a lot of my things. Thing that normally people would delete but I just file away. I have enough memory, wy not? I have a total of 1934 filed e-mails. That not including the sent, trash and whatever other folders. That is alot isnt it?


Anyways, Jeff is here from Cali so he is taking me out for a special treat. Dinner, dessert, and a movie. Love him to death. Couldnt be a better time.

Hope all have a good weekend!



Friday, August 26, 2005 at 1:49:00 PM PDT

Glad to hear that your buddy Jeff stopped by! I just love it when friends come to visit! Sorry you had to say good bye to someone, there are just some things we must do sometimes no matter how much we'd rather not. Hope all is well, and you're so right, every time a door closes a window opens, if not another bigger door!


Friday, August 26, 2005 at 2:06:00 PM PDT

new beginnings are good, luv.

best wishes.