My Interview

Out of all the accomplishments in your life, what are you really most proud of to yourself; no matter now silly and little it would seem to others?
I don’t think I have one accomplishment that I would consider the ultimate at this time. There are a lot of littler milestones that make me smile. However, as of right now I think the most important goal I am working on is getting back into school to get a degree in nursing. So far, so good.

If you could make your own man, what would he look and how would he treat you and other people?
He he he… I like tall guys, with dark longish hair (something I can touch bc I love to!) and light eyes (preferably green). I like a strong build, but with out a lot of big muscle (not into football players). No six packs, I like a slight curve. Nice skin, don’t care about complexion color so much... Oh not into guys that are picky and wear brand name clothing all the time, I like people that are comfortable with themselves no matter what they are wearing. I like the 5 o’clock shadow on a fresh smelling guy. Hmm…
Personality wise I would like someone that knew how to break the rules & have fun but are also responsible. Deep people who can think outside the box are a must.I don’t really want to say I would like to be treated like princess, but on occasion it would be nice. I would like a relationship to be a bit of a challenge so I don’t get bored, but not strenuous. Know what I mean?I like guys that can be laid back, loud ond crazy, and always treat others with repect.

If you could have a super power, what would it be?
I have always like Rogue’s powers, or to fly. Haven’t really thought about it.

Who is your favorite person, in the world and why?
I am a Momma’s girl. I know I bitch about her, but when you are close to people it’s hard not too. My Momma is beautiful, strong, and so very intelligent. We are a lot alike. ;)

Who is your least favorite person, and why?
Ewww, hmm that is a hard one. I don’t really think about that in terms of who do I hate the most.

If you could change anything about your life what would it be and why?
Living in a HUGE house, but with my family. That way we can still be close but far enough away. Maybe fix a few issues that B and I have at the moment

Do you have any pets?
Oh gawd. I have ton of pets. When I lived at my Dad’s I had two dogs that I still love to death. Poco & Chili. Both of them are a bit old and will not be around much longer but they are my boys.

Chili is a Golden Retriever. His little face is turning grey with age, but he is to so sweet and so cute. He’s a bit over weight. We always tried to put him on a diet but he will even eat his own poop instead of being hungry so I think after 10+ yrs we gave up. He’s just slightly pudgy. Not obese or anything. Chili is really just so cute though. He will just stare out you with the softest eyes and he’s so gentle and he loves to sniff faces, hair, and heads.

Poco is a bit more dominant and likes a lot of attention. He can get jealous and def let’s you know about it. He has a lot of personality and is always making noises to go along with his mood. He’s deaf now and has lumps in a few places so he looks pretty funny. He is a total mutt and is so ugly he is cute. He can be a bit territorial but he is well loved by the family.

Poco’s and Chili live at Dads still where they are ‘retired’, but even though they aren’t as quick as they used to be they still have a ton of spunk.

At my Mom’s we have cats. I am not a big cat person as I like dogs but that’s ok. I really just love animals.

A while back my old friend Jen and I (she is on my pic page, last pic, w/ green sweater on) went to this old friends house that we knew was pregnant. Her boyfriend and roommates were on bad drugs so went to see if we could at least get her out of the house for a bit. We knew she was home but she just ignored our knocks.

These people had a ton of cats around the house that weren’t fixed and they just kept on having litters of kittens. We while we were knocking there were 2 lil baby kitties all curled up in an empty, dirty, food bowl. It was in the summer time so it was fairly hot out. Jen and I ea grabbed a kitten and took them home. I am an animal lover and couldn’t stand to see the lil babies not be taken care of. I wish I could have helped all of them though. So Jen took the black one, I took the white fluffy one and and that is the story of Teddy. He is our Himalayan.

Mom wasn’t so happy when I first brought him home but they are now best buds. Ted loves Mom. Mom loves Ted.

This was over 4 yrs ago so now Ted is grown up and has long forgotten my good dead. He’s a little stuck up. But he is very cute though, and when he was a baby he eyes were crossed, he kinda grew out of it, but when he is tired or feeling extra spunky his eyes still cross. I think it was bc he was in a house full of drugs as a kitten, but who knows. But I saved his little porky life. Jens cat ended up taking up with her neighbor, an elderly lady that needed a friend.

Lastly, Blake’s dog. He isn’t really mine, but he would be if I had my way. His name: Rick James, as in “I’m Rick James bitch!” He’s a boxer mix. Mostly boxer, he is in my pics too. Not the best pic though. He’s a bit of a special needs dog but oh so loving and cute. He just adores me. I just adore him. He can’t be let outside on his own or he’ll take off. He has bad anxiety but it’s he's so well worth it. Everyone that meets him including all my friends and family just LOVE him. But him and I have something special; we have a connection ;)

Blake just recently go him a sister. Macey. I forget what kind of she is but she is HUGE, all while and fluffy.

Where did you grow up?
Chandler & Scottsdale Az!

If you become famous one day, what do you think would make you famous?
Oh I have no idea…

And most importantly what would you do with your three wishes, and no wishing for more wishes!? 1. 1. more money
2. peace and love everywhere, especially for me
3. happiness for all, especially for me



Friday, August 12, 2005 at 9:25:00 AM PDT

Good answers Rach! I did ask some pretty tough questions. :-D That is so cute about rescuing the kitten, that is almost the same exact story I have about my cat Randal, he's six or seven now... Me and my friend Kelly were over at this dealer's house and they were really abusing these kittens tossing them around stuff, so we grabbed a two kittens and took them... She named her girl "sabbath" and I named mine, well at first I named him "alexandria," b/c i thought he was a girl, but now he's "Randal," and has been for years. He's a great cat too, every who sees this cat always tells me they want to steal him. He's just a normal short brown haired tabby, but he's not so normal with his proud dominating yet sweet nature. I love my Randal kitty!


Friday, August 12, 2005 at 1:40:00 PM PDT


My god, she can't have sex because of her powers! Her kiss is the kiss of death!

Everybody run from rachel!

Scottsdale, that sounds familiar, I worked once at the Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant in Arizona.

Everybody run from Rachel! She wants to be a like Rogue!


  Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr

Saturday, August 13, 2005 at 7:12:00 AM PDT

Your reply to "customised guy of my choice" and "pets you carry", were just awesome.

Nicely written.

Have a nice weekend ahead too. Take care


Saturday, August 13, 2005 at 11:20:00 AM PDT

Alright Rachael, loved the discription of the man you would like. Sounds very nice!!!