Friday late night posting

That I got through this week. I had a ton of papers to write. And they are done.

OMG - I feel so relieved!!!! I can just sit back and relax - at least I did for this evening till I have to hit the books again tomorrow....

and even possibley go in to work to take care of some client files... which will be on my time, ie not being paid.The whole situation is fucked on that one. It shouldnt be a big deal to pay me a few extra hours especially since I am part time - but whatever!

So other related news~

Two weeks ago @ work, an email went out to everyone from the owner. He in the subject line put "Financial Reality" and basically told everyone that he was going to have to cut everyones pay by 15%.

Ugh this sucked. I just started school, I left my full time job @ Us Airways and moved over to work w/ Eric (a friend @ work) 32hrs a week so I could start back on getting through college.

Moving over I was going to be paid a little bit more then I was @ US Airways, but for working less time. I told I would get health ins and they would be flexible.

I thought that this was just about one of the best things to happen to me lately. I would being working with a friend, get paid more hourly, work less, go to school, have health insurance, and work for a new company that may someday make it big, and that the few of us employees that started on this new endevour would be in really good positions....

But No. That is not how it worked.

First it turned out that Eric and I were these peoples slaves since we handle all the finanaces (even the personal accounts). The only big thing we dont do are the taxes (which I am thankful for bc there is some little shadiness....) The other employees fuck off for majority of the day and I am quite jealous that I can t even chck my emailw/o feeling weird.

So then my health insurance offer is no longer. I am on my own for that now (of course this news comes right after my 90 days is up and when its suppose to be offered to me.

Then my pay got cut by 15% and I am not sure how I am going to get through every month on the this new rate. And how the F am I suppose to afford health insurance alone especially now??

I don't think I can.

Anyways, So yesterday I discovered I have a cavity that I need to go to the Dentist for it and I am going to have to ask my Dad to borrow the money for this. This is soooooo not fun. I am embarressed bc I have always taken care of myself - but right now I I cant care for myself. Everything is all fucked up. I am not even sure if he will help me. I'd like to think he will - but I don't know for sure.

If he doesnt - Ill have to find someone who speaks spanish and head for the border and hope I dont get shot on my way over. The State is advising ppl to stay in the UZ/AZ bc theres been a lot of trouble around the AZ/Mexico border.

I might even have to get some sort of waitressing job on the weekends or something.

Times are really really tough. Fuck!!!~~~

And My eyes are involuntarily trying to close



Tuesday, March 3, 2009 at 11:34:00 AM PST

There is nothing like the feeling of having the papers written and turned in. Regardless of the grade, they aren't hanging over your head anymore. I feel the same way right now, I got to turn in a paper yesterday.