My Magical Moment in the Rain

My older sister and I went out and really played in the rain last night. I've never done it like that before. It was so much fun. I think it is going to be a moment I remember forever.

Sweeten (my Sis) went out to get Mom's car windows rolled up. Mom and I stayed on the porch to watch it come down. It was coming down very hard for Az standards that we had to watch. Sweeten just being in the rain for a few seconds comes back completely drenched. As she sprinted back to the porch she was hopping around and it totally inspired me run full fledge out there in the windy wetness. She followed. Even Mom came out for a min or two before she got cold and sat on the front porch in her robe and watched.

We splashed around in the puddles, ran down the street, danced under the street lamps, and we even threw our heads back and let our mouths gape open. It was such a moment. We were like little kids out there. It felt so good to let the rain spray my face and soak my long hair. I can only imagine how silly we looked to the few cars that drove by with our hair plastered to sides of our heads, shirts clinging to our bodies and just dancing around like idiots. But we didn't care one bit. We were probably out there for a good 20-30min just laughing, splashing, & swinging our arms around; and it continued to rain and rain and rain. It poured for a good hour or two. It was such a pure and innocent moment. I'll remember it forever.



Wednesday, August 3, 2005 at 12:48:00 PM PDT

ahhhhhh.... I love playing in the rain, it's been too long since I've done it. Thanks very much for the reminder, I need to do that! ;-) It's so relaxing to run and jump in puddles and just not to care if you get all wet!


Wednesday, August 3, 2005 at 2:04:00 PM PDT

wowza! i never realized it rained in the desert. color me stoopid. did it cool things off or just make it muggy as hell?

it's been a loooooooong time since i've danced in the rain...think i'd better do it again soon.


Thursday, August 4, 2005 at 8:30:00 AM PDT

I did that while on vacation in Puerto Rico. It brought back some great childhood memories.

Never lose that memory.


Thursday, August 4, 2005 at 3:29:00 PM PDT

I love playing in the rain. lol for some reason it just feels so liberating sometimes.


Saturday, August 6, 2005 at 5:20:00 AM PDT

Hahaha, I love to do that, have been known to still do it once in a while. It's one of lifes silly feel good things to do. But I never can resist dancing and singing this song from a old,old movie,(was old when I used to watch it. "Singing In The Rain". lol