Well I just worked out and feel GREAT!

I only worked out for 25-30min but WOW what a difference. I started off the treadmill with 3lbs weights in hand, then jumped on the weight thing that you can excersize your arms and legs, I did 10-15 reps with my arms at 40lbs. Next I beat the shit out of the punching bag. I was quite impressed with this bc the last time I remember going at a punching bag I barely moved the SOB. But this time it was swinging with my blows. I even had to stop it from moving and then I'd start wailing on it agian. And then to finish off I jumped back on the tread mill and sprinted uphill for another ten min.

Maybe I should have persued boxing? ;)

My right arm is sore BUT WOWWIE I feel good. I dont want to be thin bc I dont think I will look good that way. I like my curves but I need to lose the extra pundage that's hanging out right now.

Will update in a bit bc I gotta do make din din...



Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 5:14:00 AM PDT

Good for you Rachael!

  David Stehle

Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 1:46:00 PM PDT

Boxing is one of the best workouts you can do. I boxed for a few years and still do the workout part of it. You'll have yourself a 6 pack in no time Rachael. Just teasin, I don't think you want to go that far...or maybe you do. Some women don't want to be "ripped".

  Brooks Brown

Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 8:14:00 PM PDT

I hear ya! I have started playing raquetball again after 10 years and it feels great. Sometimes I get in the court and am super pissed off about something and I take out all the frustration on that blue ball. I feel so much better afterwards. I saw your comment on Mojo's blog found yours.